CVR at IMECE conference
Between 11 and 14 November took place in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, at the Salt Lake Convention Center, the IMECE – International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition 2019. This is the largest worldwide interdisciplinary conference on mechanical engineering, and CVR did not miss it.
IMECE intends to promote new collaborations involving stakeholders and partners, not only from academia but also from national laboratories, industry, technological interface centers, and financing entities.
The Executive Director of CVR, Jorge Araújo, presented the communication “Decontamination of Heavy Metals from Municipal Sewage Sludge (MSS) by Electrokinetic Remediation”. The study carried out by André Ribeiro, Jorge Araújo, Cândida Vilarinho, and Joana Carvalho, focused on the valorization of municipal and industrial WWTP sludge with strong national production and which still present important environmental and public health challenges.
This participation is part of the UMinhoTech – Technology for future project, co-financed by the European Union through FEDER, in Compete 2020 context.
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